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4 Pro Tips for Providing Proper Event Medical Care

4 Pro Tips for Providing Proper Event Medical Care

You don’t want to use it, but it’s one of the most important things to have at a major event – medical care. Safety and security are top priorities at any event, and an adequately staffed medical team can make this happen.

“An event planner is essentially throwing a party at their ‘house,’ so they want to take good care of their guests,” Dr. Andrew Bazos, chairman of CrowdRx told BizBash. “Event planners are held responsible for their attendees’ conduct, health, and safety.”

To keep event attendees in good health, numerous industry experts recently offered the event industry news site a few things to consider:

  1. Be prepared.
    Whether one of your attendees stubs their toe or there is a full-blown emergency, you need to be prepared. Event hosts should at the very least provide a basic first-aid kit at a specified location that’s well marked. This way attendees know exactly where to go to seek treatment.

    In certain cases, it’s also a good idea to have an automated external defibrillator (A.E.D.) on hand. However, even though an A.E.D. is relatively easy to use, it’s important to have a few individuals on hand who know how to use the device.

  2. Know when to seek outside help.
    General event staff can familiarize themselves with basics, such as C.P.R. and A.E.D use, but in some cases, you’ll want true medical professionals on hand. Experts agree that it’s better to be over-prepared rather than underprepared in the event of a medical emergency. The size of an event is usually a good way to determine if you’ll need to bring in the professionals, but it’s not the only factor to consider.

  3. Communication is key.
    We can stress the need for communication and protocols enough. Before the start of an event, you need to determine what constitutes an emergency, who is responsible for coordinating with E.M.S. and police, and who will collect incident data. A medical emergency creates chaos, so it’s important to have designated roles to ensure it’s handled in the best way possible.

  4. Know local authorities.
    Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may need to reach out to police, fire, and medical authorities beforehand for special inspections and permits. If this is not the case, reach out any way to make sure your event is on their radar, and they are prepared to respond if needed.

Read more about providing proper event medical care at BizBash.

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