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SITE Southern California - The Incentive for Excellence Blog

The Incentive for Excellence

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1 minute reading time (291 words)

TRUST US… you want to read this!

Exploration of Trust

This past month at the SITE SoCal Educational luncheon, we explored the subject of Trust by exploring it on three levels:

  1. Globally, from the perspective of Peter Tarlow, Ph.D
  2. Our Industry, as Gary Schirmacher explains
  3. Personally, by Deb Gee

So, what is trust?

“A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”

And why is it important to us in the industry or in our personal lives? And why is this a hot topic for us to explore right now? Here’s why…

As someone in the service industry, relationship, trust, and authenticity is everything! And we know that strong relationships take time to develop and are built on entrusting our partners, suppliers, and team with the success of our programs. Unfortunately, once that trust is broken, it is difficult or impossible to mend.

“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

– Ernest Hemingway

I wanted to share a few words of wisdom that were shared by the speakers during the luncheon and really stood out for us. So, when you are challenged with deciding if you should trust someone, I hope you can look back at these:

  • Trust is earned when actions meet words
  • Think of trust as a habit!
  • SITE Foundation President, John Iannini also shared that, for him, trust was that feeling that you can truly rely on a person to follow-up on their words.
  • Deb Gee’s meditation exercise had us ask ourselves why we don’t have self-trust. And we learned how to lean in and let go. Sit quietly, take a breath, and ponder this for a few minutes. You’ll be glad you did.

My personal takeaway? Trust takes time and is worth the investment!

The Incentive Experience of a Lifetime
The Importance of Self-Trust


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TUE, October 22, 2024