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SITE Southern California - The Incentive for Excellence Blog

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2 minutes reading time (417 words)

5 Ways to Stand up for Civil Rights and Save Lives

Enough is Enough

To our SITE SoCal Community and Beyond,

It is important that we take a moment to address the tragedy our country is facing and the deep wounds inflicted on our Black community.

We see your pain, and we stand with you against injustice and racism. We stand with you as we create a better world. We stand with you for justice for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many others.

We’ve seen corporations and organizations around the world step up to the plate these last few days like never before. And we, as a chapter of travel professionals with a global platform, must speak up.

We won’t be silent. We will do better. We will lead by example. We will be part of the solution.

Below is a list of ways that you can get involved in what's going on. From donations to peaceful protests, or simply signing a petition, we urge you to take part in this crucial part of history as we come together to turn the tide.

— The 2020 SITE SoCal Board of Directors

#SITEUNITE #BlackLivesMatter

5 Ways to Get Involved

1) Educate

Learn more about the movement, history, and get the facts.

2) Donate


  • Donate to Black Lives Matter: You can find the main donation page here.
  • Donate to a bail fund: Some Twitter users are crowdsourcing lists of local organizations that help bail out protesters who get arrested. Thread here.
  • Or another bail fund: This crowdsourced Google Doc of bail funds keeps getting bigger.
  • Support the National Police Accountability Project: This group, a project of the National Lawyers Guild, helps people find legal counsel. More info here.
  • Support Campaign Zero, a police reform group that has been working on policy solutions “informed by data and human rights principles.” More info here.

3) Sign a petition

  • Civil rights group Color of Change launched a petition asking that all the officers involved in Floyd’s death are brought to justice. Find it here.
  • Or another petition: The “Justice for George Floyd” petition on already has 8.5 million supporters. That sends a big message. Find it here.

4) Get involved

  • Get involved with your local BLM chapter: The full list is here.
  • Or start your own: More info here.

5) Register to vote in the upcoming election


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